Zhong Xin Dao – I Liq Chuan Workshop with
Master Hsin Chin
March 22-24, 2025
Master Hsin Chin
March 22-24, 2025
Master Hsin Chin is coming to the SF Bay Area and will be teaching a workshop focusing on Foundational Training in Body Unification and the Process of Spinning Hands.
The Focus of this Training will be how to Recognize and Organize the Rotational Energy through the Bone, Periosteum (the fibrous sheath that covers bones) and Ligamental Lines of connection within your Arms in order to create the proper conditions for the application of refined Internal Power.
We will begin by looking at the Line of Axial Skeletal Rotation from the Elbow through the Wrist, Palm and Fingertips and Observe the Quality of Attention necessary to Balance this Movement through the Procession of Circular Forces Aligned to Multiple Centers, while Maintaining the Harmonized Flow of the Yin & Yang Muscles, Tendons and Fascia.
By Understanding 'How' and 'Why' this power is Generated and Harmonized in yourself - you will then be guided to and train specific Drills to Disrupt the Application this Power in another Person.
Looping Energy of the Shoulder and Hip Joints mediated by the Tantien/Ming Men and Spinal Energy will then be trained to create Pivot on the Offense & Defense Points of another persons Skeletal Structure in order to Capture and Disrupt essential actions of Flow within the Yin & Yang Muscles, Tendons and Fascia.
This will be a great training opportunity for participants who are new to the Zhong Xin Dao / I Liq Chuan System as well as for those who have developed practice.
You will receive personalized hands on training, feeding of the spinning hands energies, and specific corrections whether you are just beginning or for progress in your current and subsequent levels of the Zhong Xin Dao / I Liq Chuan System.
Hsin is has a exceptional eye and can pinpoint gaps in your structure, alignment, connection and attention. Personally, the corrections and insights I have gained from working with Hsin have been transformative and invaluable; opening a new sense of awareness, nuance and clarity to movements I have been training all my time in the internal martial arts.
The Focus of this Training will be how to Recognize and Organize the Rotational Energy through the Bone, Periosteum (the fibrous sheath that covers bones) and Ligamental Lines of connection within your Arms in order to create the proper conditions for the application of refined Internal Power.
We will begin by looking at the Line of Axial Skeletal Rotation from the Elbow through the Wrist, Palm and Fingertips and Observe the Quality of Attention necessary to Balance this Movement through the Procession of Circular Forces Aligned to Multiple Centers, while Maintaining the Harmonized Flow of the Yin & Yang Muscles, Tendons and Fascia.
By Understanding 'How' and 'Why' this power is Generated and Harmonized in yourself - you will then be guided to and train specific Drills to Disrupt the Application this Power in another Person.
Looping Energy of the Shoulder and Hip Joints mediated by the Tantien/Ming Men and Spinal Energy will then be trained to create Pivot on the Offense & Defense Points of another persons Skeletal Structure in order to Capture and Disrupt essential actions of Flow within the Yin & Yang Muscles, Tendons and Fascia.
This will be a great training opportunity for participants who are new to the Zhong Xin Dao / I Liq Chuan System as well as for those who have developed practice.
You will receive personalized hands on training, feeding of the spinning hands energies, and specific corrections whether you are just beginning or for progress in your current and subsequent levels of the Zhong Xin Dao / I Liq Chuan System.
Hsin is has a exceptional eye and can pinpoint gaps in your structure, alignment, connection and attention. Personally, the corrections and insights I have gained from working with Hsin have been transformative and invaluable; opening a new sense of awareness, nuance and clarity to movements I have been training all my time in the internal martial arts.
Dates: Saturday & Sunday - March 22 & 23, 2025
Time 10:30 am to 6 pm
(there will be a 1 1/2 hour lunch break both days)
You may arrive as early as 10 am so we can start the workshop promptly at 10:30 am
In Motion Center
1091 Calcot Place Suite 412 Oakland, CA 94606
There will be 1 day of extra training on Monday March 25th
Participation for Monday is limited to ILC/ZXD Members who can spin - or invited guests training in another art under a licensed ILC Instructor receiving this email. Times Monday will be 10:30 am start time till 6 pm with Lunch Break.
Tuition for Monday $125
Weekend Workshop Tuition is $ 235 for non ILC Members
To sign up contact:
Bernard Langan
email: [email protected]
phone: (510)-261-4570
You can arrange to pay via PAYPAL Venmo, Zelle or credit card by phone - but you must contact Bernard first by email or phone.
Discounted Pricing for the Weekend ILC ZXD Workshop – For Active ILC Members:
ILC Members: $215
Students Level 3 & above: $ 205
Certified I Liq Chuan Instructors – Level 1: $195 – Level 2: $185 – Level 3: $175
$125 for 1 Day of Weekend Training
Time 10:30 am to 6 pm
(there will be a 1 1/2 hour lunch break both days)
You may arrive as early as 10 am so we can start the workshop promptly at 10:30 am
In Motion Center
1091 Calcot Place Suite 412 Oakland, CA 94606
There will be 1 day of extra training on Monday March 25th
Participation for Monday is limited to ILC/ZXD Members who can spin - or invited guests training in another art under a licensed ILC Instructor receiving this email. Times Monday will be 10:30 am start time till 6 pm with Lunch Break.
Tuition for Monday $125
Weekend Workshop Tuition is $ 235 for non ILC Members
To sign up contact:
Bernard Langan
email: [email protected]
phone: (510)-261-4570
You can arrange to pay via PAYPAL Venmo, Zelle or credit card by phone - but you must contact Bernard first by email or phone.
Discounted Pricing for the Weekend ILC ZXD Workshop – For Active ILC Members:
ILC Members: $215
Students Level 3 & above: $ 205
Certified I Liq Chuan Instructors – Level 1: $195 – Level 2: $185 – Level 3: $175
$125 for 1 Day of Weekend Training
The Process of Training ‘Zhong Xin Dao’ – Cultivating the Neutral Path’.
In all Training you will learn – ‘How to Listen’ – ‘Ting’ and ‘How to Feed’ the correct energy to your partner so you can refine both your own and your partners skill level. This is perhaps the most important key to progress in the Internal Martial Arts. Throughout this workshop you will be building awareness of the Neutral Point and refining the feel of the Neutral Touch in Application. Recognizing the Neutral Half-line to establish offense and defense / full and empty. Direct Knowing through Linking and Reflection.
You will be instructed to clearly feel and access the Three Engagements, (Circle with Center, Center with Center, Center with Cross); with an emphasis on refining the use of 'Peng' Energy
– the Internal and External Force Field Spheres of Offense & Defense.
You will learn partner work with Condense & Expand to measure the strength of your opponent’s sphere.
Your training will progress to understand how these conditions interrelate, and recognize and manifest the feel of the furthest point using awareness of Six Directional Energy and Yin & Yang muscle balance.
Testimonials for Hsin Chin...
"Sifu Bernard Langan: thanks for organizing the “standing room only” Master Hsin Chin Seminar. Very absorbing program indeed. It was held at In Motion Center in Oakland.
I don’t normally post material on Facebook, but would like to send this note for everyone to read about my experience, last week.
Hsin is a Master and 'Heir Apparent' of the Zhong Xin Dao/I Liq Chuan Art of the Chin Family; he is the son of the lineage holder Grandmaster Sam Chin. He has a thoughtful mind, big shoulders, strong hips and powerful legs. As a teacher, he manifests gentle calmness, and a deep capacity to engage with individual practitioners and distill and refine their movements both mentally and physically. His clarity and his attentiveness to the limitations and capabilities of each practitioner, enables them to enhance their abilities and to utilize their innate tools. Individuals are heart-fully encouraged to uncover ways of effectively balancing the flow of their body dynamics. When in doubt he would humbly default to “ask my Father”. He is keenly aware of each individual practitioner’s specific needs: listening attentively and feeding appropriately; not overwhelmingly. At the same time, he can speak to the entire group and personally to each participant.
It’s nice to work out and train with Master Hsin, a gentle giant from the pedigree of established founding practitioners. As 'a curious old guy on the block', I know that Hsin and The ZXD process has made a significant difference in the lifestyle changes of my current total lifelong learning. I have attended many of his intensives over the past several years, and they are all totally enjoyable.
Thanks, Hsin!"
Wan Chan, MD Comment from Master Hsin Chin -
"Thank you very much for the kind testimonial Wan, you're a pleasure to have and a wonderful inspiration for me, and the rest of our community.
In all Training you will learn – ‘How to Listen’ – ‘Ting’ and ‘How to Feed’ the correct energy to your partner so you can refine both your own and your partners skill level. This is perhaps the most important key to progress in the Internal Martial Arts. Throughout this workshop you will be building awareness of the Neutral Point and refining the feel of the Neutral Touch in Application. Recognizing the Neutral Half-line to establish offense and defense / full and empty. Direct Knowing through Linking and Reflection.
You will be instructed to clearly feel and access the Three Engagements, (Circle with Center, Center with Center, Center with Cross); with an emphasis on refining the use of 'Peng' Energy
– the Internal and External Force Field Spheres of Offense & Defense.
You will learn partner work with Condense & Expand to measure the strength of your opponent’s sphere.
Your training will progress to understand how these conditions interrelate, and recognize and manifest the feel of the furthest point using awareness of Six Directional Energy and Yin & Yang muscle balance.
Testimonials for Hsin Chin...
"Sifu Bernard Langan: thanks for organizing the “standing room only” Master Hsin Chin Seminar. Very absorbing program indeed. It was held at In Motion Center in Oakland.
I don’t normally post material on Facebook, but would like to send this note for everyone to read about my experience, last week.
Hsin is a Master and 'Heir Apparent' of the Zhong Xin Dao/I Liq Chuan Art of the Chin Family; he is the son of the lineage holder Grandmaster Sam Chin. He has a thoughtful mind, big shoulders, strong hips and powerful legs. As a teacher, he manifests gentle calmness, and a deep capacity to engage with individual practitioners and distill and refine their movements both mentally and physically. His clarity and his attentiveness to the limitations and capabilities of each practitioner, enables them to enhance their abilities and to utilize their innate tools. Individuals are heart-fully encouraged to uncover ways of effectively balancing the flow of their body dynamics. When in doubt he would humbly default to “ask my Father”. He is keenly aware of each individual practitioner’s specific needs: listening attentively and feeding appropriately; not overwhelmingly. At the same time, he can speak to the entire group and personally to each participant.
It’s nice to work out and train with Master Hsin, a gentle giant from the pedigree of established founding practitioners. As 'a curious old guy on the block', I know that Hsin and The ZXD process has made a significant difference in the lifestyle changes of my current total lifelong learning. I have attended many of his intensives over the past several years, and they are all totally enjoyable.
Thanks, Hsin!"
Wan Chan, MD Comment from Master Hsin Chin -
"Thank you very much for the kind testimonial Wan, you're a pleasure to have and a wonderful inspiration for me, and the rest of our community.
Comment from Bernard Langan
Wonderful Share - Wan ! - FYI the 'curious old guy on the block'; Dr. Wan Chan is truly an inspiration to everyone in Zhong Xin Dao/I Liq Chuan who has the opportunity to train with this fine gentleman.
Born in Malaysia, he is a retired Obstetric Physician with a career spanning 50 years - delivering 10,000+ babies on 3 continents and in 4 countries; Wan speaks 4 languages.
After the seminar this weekend, I asked Wan how he got started - he said 'Serendipity' - 'Good Luck in making Unexpected and Fortunate Discoveries.';
recounting that he was an avid traveler, golfer and fly fisherman; before a hand injury 10 years ago prompted him to begin training in the Internal Martial Arts.
At the age of 75, Wan began learning Tai Chi from expert Instructor Sifu Michael Chan at Tai Chi Tutelage of Palo Alto.
Wan describes himself as a 'lifelong learner' and thinks his practice of I Liq Chuan for the last 5 years will allow him to live a healthier more productive life.
I asked Wan, now 85, if he thought his practice would also help him live longer - he replied, "Definitely, healthier and more productively, but it is honestly hard to say what will allow someone to live longer; and what is the point of living longer, if you are not healthy and enjoying what you are doing." Wan is always the first practitioner to sign up for Zhong Xin Dao/I Liq Chuan workshops, and keeps me and other Instructors who are assisting very busy answering his questions and giving him feedback.
One's present circumstances do not determine where you can go. It merely determines where you begin. If you are interested in training Internal Martial Arts, Nei Gung and Qi-gong to a high level of skill, in a community of like minded people, In Motion Center in conjunction with TTOPA we will be bringing Hsin's Father, our teacher Grandmaster Sam Chin - a remarkable Martial Artist to the Bay Area December, 2024. Master Hsin is be back in the fall and we are looking to announce a seminar for Hsin's Sister Yen Lee - who will be taught and shared her outstanding skill for the first time at her own seminar in Europe last April.
Vivian Kaiwe Goo RPT Licensed ZXD/ILC Instructor, Honolulu Hawaii
"I have had the good fortune to meet and train with Master Hsin Chin thru several years of seminars. He has a sensitive touch. His feedback is detailed. He takes his time to see and feel what I’m doing, and then gives specific instructions for me to feel more directly, my structure, movement and especially my attention. Though he is at an incredibly higher level than me, he is able to relate to my level, and give me feedback that I can work with. Hsin pushes me to my limit, to expand understanding. Hsin has the feel of ZXD/ILC and is ever so generous in sharing it."
Wonderful Share - Wan ! - FYI the 'curious old guy on the block'; Dr. Wan Chan is truly an inspiration to everyone in Zhong Xin Dao/I Liq Chuan who has the opportunity to train with this fine gentleman.
Born in Malaysia, he is a retired Obstetric Physician with a career spanning 50 years - delivering 10,000+ babies on 3 continents and in 4 countries; Wan speaks 4 languages.
After the seminar this weekend, I asked Wan how he got started - he said 'Serendipity' - 'Good Luck in making Unexpected and Fortunate Discoveries.';
recounting that he was an avid traveler, golfer and fly fisherman; before a hand injury 10 years ago prompted him to begin training in the Internal Martial Arts.
At the age of 75, Wan began learning Tai Chi from expert Instructor Sifu Michael Chan at Tai Chi Tutelage of Palo Alto.
Wan describes himself as a 'lifelong learner' and thinks his practice of I Liq Chuan for the last 5 years will allow him to live a healthier more productive life.
I asked Wan, now 85, if he thought his practice would also help him live longer - he replied, "Definitely, healthier and more productively, but it is honestly hard to say what will allow someone to live longer; and what is the point of living longer, if you are not healthy and enjoying what you are doing." Wan is always the first practitioner to sign up for Zhong Xin Dao/I Liq Chuan workshops, and keeps me and other Instructors who are assisting very busy answering his questions and giving him feedback.
One's present circumstances do not determine where you can go. It merely determines where you begin. If you are interested in training Internal Martial Arts, Nei Gung and Qi-gong to a high level of skill, in a community of like minded people, In Motion Center in conjunction with TTOPA we will be bringing Hsin's Father, our teacher Grandmaster Sam Chin - a remarkable Martial Artist to the Bay Area December, 2024. Master Hsin is be back in the fall and we are looking to announce a seminar for Hsin's Sister Yen Lee - who will be taught and shared her outstanding skill for the first time at her own seminar in Europe last April.
Vivian Kaiwe Goo RPT Licensed ZXD/ILC Instructor, Honolulu Hawaii
"I have had the good fortune to meet and train with Master Hsin Chin thru several years of seminars. He has a sensitive touch. His feedback is detailed. He takes his time to see and feel what I’m doing, and then gives specific instructions for me to feel more directly, my structure, movement and especially my attention. Though he is at an incredibly higher level than me, he is able to relate to my level, and give me feedback that I can work with. Hsin pushes me to my limit, to expand understanding. Hsin has the feel of ZXD/ILC and is ever so generous in sharing it."