Anatomy of Grace: How we Function - How we Heal Dr. Ron Harwin & Bernard Langan - March 5th & 6th, 2016
"After long suffering, I am tempted to think that Dr. Harwin's touch is magic. Perhaps it is, but I think I have finally found a person who simply knows deeply what he is doing." - Greg Hartwig, Yoga Instructor, Piedmont Yoga
A Message from Bernard Langan...
Dr. Ron Harwin has retired from his clinical practice a few years ago.
The testimonials at the end of this email will give a a sense of the effectiveness and scope of his work.
I think the level of understanding and perception conveyed by his touch and importantly - his ideas and perspectives which have allowed him to successfully and powerfully integrate and address multiple somatic systems in treatments make him one of today's geniuses in the world of rehabilitation.
I got to know Dr. Ron when he was training with me in Internal Martial Arts. I have referred some of my own clients to Dr. Harwin and accompanied them to their treatments to observe his work first hand. I use the Harwin Balancer which he developed with in all my Structural Integration and Somatic clients. For more info see:
I am concerned that this work may be lost to the next generation of practitioners, and was excited when Dr. Ron enthusiastically agreed to create a special series of classes for professionals which I will be co-teaching.
We have essentially envisioned and created a Master Class that we would want to take ourselves. A class which direct the participants to understand how to authentically develop and refine their healing gifts and skills.
The class will be informed around levels of inquiry that ask:
"How do you know what you are doing is working ?"
"What problem are you working on ?"
"Where is the location of the problem ?"
"What is the Focus and intention you use to track change within the somatic system ?"
"What do you do to initiate change in the somatic system ?"
"What key indicators can you use to know you are going to create change on any level?"
"How do you notice this change ?"
"What material are you working on ?"
"What level ?"
"What system ?"
'What are your objectives, how can you reach your objectives more effectively ?"
"How does the material breakdown and how does it respond to injury?"
"How do you address and release displaced and deformed tissue?"
This class may ask more questions than it answers...
You will be guided to answer your own questions and become the greatest skeptic of your work refining it to deeper levels of detail and effectiveness.
A Message from Bernard Langan...
Dr. Ron Harwin has retired from his clinical practice a few years ago.
The testimonials at the end of this email will give a a sense of the effectiveness and scope of his work.
I think the level of understanding and perception conveyed by his touch and importantly - his ideas and perspectives which have allowed him to successfully and powerfully integrate and address multiple somatic systems in treatments make him one of today's geniuses in the world of rehabilitation.
I got to know Dr. Ron when he was training with me in Internal Martial Arts. I have referred some of my own clients to Dr. Harwin and accompanied them to their treatments to observe his work first hand. I use the Harwin Balancer which he developed with in all my Structural Integration and Somatic clients. For more info see:
I am concerned that this work may be lost to the next generation of practitioners, and was excited when Dr. Ron enthusiastically agreed to create a special series of classes for professionals which I will be co-teaching.
We have essentially envisioned and created a Master Class that we would want to take ourselves. A class which direct the participants to understand how to authentically develop and refine their healing gifts and skills.
The class will be informed around levels of inquiry that ask:
"How do you know what you are doing is working ?"
"What problem are you working on ?"
"Where is the location of the problem ?"
"What is the Focus and intention you use to track change within the somatic system ?"
"What do you do to initiate change in the somatic system ?"
"What key indicators can you use to know you are going to create change on any level?"
"How do you notice this change ?"
"What material are you working on ?"
"What level ?"
"What system ?"
'What are your objectives, how can you reach your objectives more effectively ?"
"How does the material breakdown and how does it respond to injury?"
"How do you address and release displaced and deformed tissue?"
This class may ask more questions than it answers...
You will be guided to answer your own questions and become the greatest skeptic of your work refining it to deeper levels of detail and effectiveness.
From Dr. Ron Harwin...
"My experience with this work is it increases the physical capacity to heal the body and our emotions. We essentially become more intelligent as we work with it. It is built on an approach that has great respect for the fact that we are designed to be biological survival machines and in this design has a built-in natural resistance to change. When we begin to build our work with ourselves and with others from this baseline of biological reality, we observe that we can access deeper and more profound levels of change, building them on an ever changing map in a way that integrates deeply as we go. This allows us to see more clearly what we have accomplished, what is still needs to be done, and the pathway needed to accomplish our goals.
I've tested it out, and I am my greatest skeptic always in everything I've developed in my professional career and now as I develop the teaching of the work that I've created - I am my greatest skeptic. So, I've had a chance over decades to test all of these principles with so many different ways with thousands of people and they have played out so consistent that now I want to share them with others. My hope is that whatever field you work in - hopefully, I can save you 10 and maybe even 20 years in your own journey of learning to understand how to best apply what your gift is and what your working with and what systems your working with.
So my job really is to help you understand how to use your tools, which come from you. Your eyes, your touch, your feelings; how you process information, the way you learn, the ways you block yourself from learning, the way we go into shock because everyone you're working with is going to be in shock on some level as well. So, if you understand how you go into shock, and how you can begin to re-shift to a more balanced intelligent and less reactive level - then you will have an ability and an understanding to lead people into a better place for their health and increased performance. A better level of balance as well, and from there we actually become more plastic and can learn new things from a higher perspective which means we heal better, it means we perform at a higher level more consistently. It can even mean we enjoy life more. It's about retuning the entire system as one, and respecting all of the parts involved and realizing that there is no fixed solution for any problem. It is different for everybody.
It depends very very much on the individual and on any number of factors that it might be presenting in that configuration at the time you are working. So, we're going to look at a map where everything is talking to everything else in our body, and in our being, and we are going to explore together how that conversation has become distorted and limited in the level of reaction which is a problem that got stuck and then recreates itself. And in doing that, I'm going to help you to develop, but to first understand and witness, and then to develop for yourself the tools of your own perception as you work with yourself and work with people on deeper and subtler levels. So, what is very different about what we're doing in this class, is we are going to study together, so that your understanding of your tools becomes enhanced. So that you become more effective in knowing what materials you are working with, what systems are involved and how they are engaged. The more subtle and refined we can touch a reactive system - the more accurate the change is that occurs, the deeper level it happens on and the longer it lasts."
Beginners will be shown how to work from day one, with a presence of a very refined level of embodied wisdom and experience.
Advanced practitioners will learn to perceive and understand their tools more effectively as they work with this ever changing map of the human system, allowing them to be more effective and attain deeper, longer lasting results.
This class is for you if:
• You would like your work to be more effective
• Learn to treat shoulder, arm and hand problems
• Be able to work within, integrate and transcend protocols
• Be more confident in your work
• You would like to add a level of sophistication to your work that will allow you to feel subtle changes at deeper levels with greater healing response
• Know what order and sequence to work in and why
• Know how the somatic system connects and integrates change
• Know and understand how the somatic system resists change based on on our survival instincts and response trauma and what to do about this
• Be able to express why and how your work is effective in a manner which is both compelling and empowering for your clients
The Anatomy of Grace - An Exploration of the Somatic Role in Consciousness How We Function How We Heal
A Deeply Integrated Approach to Body Work, Self-Work and Healing with Dr. Ron Harwin, DC and Bernard Langan, HSE.
The material you will learn in these classes can be considered a new discovery in the Bodywork/Healing modalities.
Growing from a deep understanding of the effects of trauma on the multiple levels of the human system, you will learn to effectively rebuild the internal, multi-leveled communication that integrates and maintains the health of you and your clients physical body, as well as the depth and balance of our consciousness.
You will benefit from our over 70 years of combined practice - a lifetime of research and patient care that has synthesized this body of knowledge into a highly effective and yet very personalized level of treatments. This work if especially appropriate for working with patients who has been everywhere and have not gotten help.
Dates: January 30 & 31, 2016
Time: Saturday January 30 & Sunday 31: 10 am to 6:30 PM There will be a 1 1/2 hour lunch break each day
Tuition: $ 365.00 To register send a check payable to Bernard Langan Bernard Langan 1091 Calcot Place Suite 412 Oakland, CA 94606 class will be strictly limited to 18 participants
About the Instructors:
Dr. Ron Harwin When he was six years old, Dr. Harwin’s interest with understanding who we are in our bodies began. At age sixteen, his life long aspiration to understand who we are as spiritual beings became the primary motivation of his life. In 1969, while living in India, he first became interested in rehabilitative and manipulative therapies where this art is highly developed. Upon returning to the United States, he continued to work with rehabilitation therapies and began an in-depth study of Herbal Medicine and later received his Doctor of Chiropractic degree. Early in his studies, Dr. Harwin sensed that intellectual pursuits by themselves were not adequate to truly understand who we are, how we work or why our human system reacts to injuries and trauma the way it does. He operates from the belief that to work on a deep level with others, within their traumatic history, we must become familiar and comfortable residing in those deep, and sometimes dark places, within ourselves. Dr. Harwin has more than 30 years of study in the Healing Arts and the Internal Martial Arts. He also studies yoga, as well as Turkish devotional music on the Ney, a Middle Eastern Flute.
Dr. Ron’s Endorsements
“Dr. Ron Harwin is my loving father, cherished doctor and great teacher. His work goes beyond treating symptoms to a deep level of internal healing. My exposure to the profundity of his work has been one of the blessings of my life.” - Sophie Karan-Harwin, Daughter
“Ron’s work carries the gift of life, honoring one’s self, our responsibility towards each other, and our connection and oneness with the creator and the earth. It is a gift of love, showing us that our internal trauma can be healed through honest practices that re-tune our Central Nervous System to a higher level of function.” - Dave McDonald, Patient and Student
“I had lived with constant pain for 39 years, and 10 years ago I suffered a severe brain injury, leaving me handicapped with a Cognitive Brain Disorder. After working with Dr. Harwin, my pain is considerably reduced and I can now think clearly again. What a gift it is to live a normal life again.” - Ann Feldman, MS, MSW (Phone number available upon request.)
“Dr. Ron’s work is profound and life changing. His ability to see and understand the needs of my body as a whole system allows him to work at a depth of effectiveness I have never experience before.” - Reverend Cathleen Daley
“Ron Harwin is a gifted doctor with a profound understanding of the human body. He has had remarkable success with my most challenging patients and I unequivocally recommend him.” - Hyla Cass, MD
“Ron Harwin reads the body like a book. Through his hands flow a powerful energy tied with the knowledge to heal and shift a body to its greatest potential. My sessions with Ron have led to a higher well being physically, mentally and spiritually, along with a sense of balance from my feet on the ground, to my heart center. I can easily say that this work has been life changing for me and I would strongly recommend Ron's work to those with, our without physical injuries.” - Gitanjali Castellian
“Dr. Ron Harwin is a rare and gifted individual who has had the courage to forge his own road in response to seeing a need for a more integrated, compassionate and effective treatment for human trauma. I feel incredibly fortunate to be able to work with him.” - Traci Joy Burleigh, E-RYT, CMT
"Dr. Harwin has an incredible understanding of the way the human body works. Because of my work with him I am considerably more active, doing the things I love to do. I have less back pain, less headaches, and I am sleeping more soundly. My golf game has even improved, and my score proves it.” - Daniel Katz, Orinda, CA
“Dr. Harwin's Balance Machine invites us to re-awaken our initial conversation with gravity when as a toddler, we first stood. We are given the opportunity to address the ensuing postural habits and compensations, injuries and insults. We are given the rare and precious opportunity to return to primal balance.” - Suki Munsell, Ph.D, founder of Dynamic Walking
“To witness the transformation of my 86-year-old mother was to witness a living miracle. To see a frail, bent-over fearful yet brave elderly woman sit up, after a session, with a new sparkle in her eyes and a new balance on her feet was to see the aging process momentarily reversed. It was a joy for me to witness the spring of youth return to her step when just a couple of hours before, her walk was unsteady, as she carried her stiffening body with difficulty. Dr. Harwin has kept my mother out of a wheel chair and has helped her to live a fully functional life.” - Elizabeth Ann Sutcliffe, MA, LMT, LE
Patients speak about their results:
“Dr. Ronald Harwin was introduced to me as an alternative to spinal surgery. His ability to 'understand' and correct the body's long term injury patterns lies somewhere between mechanical and magical. Dr. Harwin carries my highest recommendation.” Marty Mazzanti, Chairman of the Board, The Produce Exchange
"I cannot even describe in words how wonderful it is to be really recovering from the mess my body was in." Lynn Clark-England
"Hello, I am Dr. David Surrenda. I am on the board of the Rippel Foundation with many of today’s leading Medical Doctors. Our mission is building a more effective health care for the American Public and the world. It is my honor to introduce Dr. Ron Harwin D.C., the inventor of The Harwin Balancer. I consider Dr. Harwin to be one of the today’s geniuses in the world of rehabilitation. His invention; The Harwin Balancer is, to my knowledge, the most effective innovation today in the treatment of Pain Syndromes, as well as Balance and Gait Problems. I know you will be interested in hearing what Dr. Harwin has to say, and from the people who’s lives it has changed. I can say with all confidence that using learning from Dr. Harwin will allow you to accomplish your clinic goals beyond what you are currently able to do."
“A friend's husband suffered a major stroke and after only one week using The Balancer he has noted significant improvement in balance." Susan Lin, M.D.
“The Harwin Balancer is the most effective solution for balance/gait problems that I have seen in my 45 years of clinical experience.” Peter Edgelow PT, DPT, National APTA Henry O. & Florence P Kendall Practice Award for Outstanding and Enduring Contributions to the practice of Physical Therapy
“Our peer-reviewed pilot study at the Department of Health & Exercise Science at Colorado State University has documented statistically significant improvements in the performance of sit-to-stand, and both stair ascent and stair descent in a group of older adults with perceived balance and functional impairment while standing. Therefore, we are confident that appropriate use of the Balancer with its accompanying training progression is effective for combating deficits in balance and physical function." - Raoul F, Reiser II, PhD, CSCS, FASC (Full study at
"After a spinal injury in a recreational accident I was in severe pain, off work and losing hope. In my first treatments with Dr. Harwin, my pain decreased markedly. It was easy for me to trust him, and I sincerely recommend him." Nicholette Phelps, Director Golden Gate National Parks Association
"I can truly say that I feel Dr. Harwin's treatment and his CompuHealth software program has saved me from surgery and years of pain as well as the loss of my career. I'd be glad to answer any questions you may have." Brandon N. Casey, Controller, Diablo Publications
"I am writing to let you know of the extraordinary help and success I have received from the unusual expertise of Dr. Ron Harwin. I have had bilateral Carpal Tunnel Syndrome since 1993 and I have been though surgery to both wrists and extensive physical therapy. I was no longer in constant pain, but I had little strength in my wrists, I was rated a 43% disability, and dismissed from my job. After being unable to work for two years, an acquaintance suggested I see Dr. Harwin. He has helped me regain the ability to use my hands to a level I had been led to believe was impossible. I am now working full time, my hand strength is about 85% of normal, and I am still continuing to get better." Jonathan Ach
"Dr. Harwin is one of the pioneers exploring and defining this field. I recommend his work to every computer user, every computer business, and every health professional." K. Summerly, Technical Writer
"I just want to say that what Ron does, seems thoroughly subtle and complete. He genuinely moves the body out of its own way. He works from his heart to his patient's heart. It's a beautiful thing that he does." Eric England
"Hi Ron, Congratulations on your upcoming training program. It’s been a long time coming. Your students are very lucky indeed. Sincerely, Stuart Heller PhD, 6th Dan, Trainer for NASA Scientists"
Instructor Bio Bernard Langan
For the sake of brevity - Bernard Langan's Full Bio is here - below are client testimonials
Bernard Langan has studied martial and restorative arts intensively for over 30 years and is an internationally respected instructor and practitioner of Ba Gua, Hsing-I, Chen Pan Ling style Tai Chi, I Liq Chuan, Pentjak Silat, Eskrima, Taoist Nei Gung and Chi Gung. He is a specialist in the fields of Bodywork, Movement Education and Biomechanics. He has done extensive cross-discipline research in martial, meditative, healing and movement systems, and can clearly articulate the synthesis of this knowledge and impart these skills to his students. He has a thriving full time clinical practice and teaching studio in the San Francisco Bay Area.
Testimonials from Bernard Langan's clients in many cases material that I learned from Dr. Harwin was integrated within Structural Integration and HannaSomatics Sessions.
“I had a motorcycle accident February 2010, in which I suffered a compound fracture in my tibia/ fibula, a right collapsed lung and a displaced right clavicle. After three weeks and four surgeries I was released from the hospital in a wheelchair. I was not able to walk for two months. I began to walk again with crutches and then with a cane. My walk was rigid. I had difficulty with side-to-side movements. I felt unstable and weak. At the end of June 2010, I began sessions in Hanna Somatic Education with Bernard Langan, HSE, and we used The Harwin Balancer™ in conjunction with these sessions. In late July Bernard introduced me to Dr. Harwin. I had 2 Balancer sessions with Dr. Harwin. All of this has been an amazing experience.
I have since continued working with Bernard Langan and completed a 14 session series of a method of Structural Integration called Zen Bodytherapy. I feel confident to move in ways that I have not been able to before. My balance is more stable. I am feeling parts of my body that I am usually not aware of. Using the the Harwin Balancer™ in conjunction with the Zen Bodytherapy and Hanna Somatic sessions helped me to discover how I can use my breath to move with more awareness; in a new way that allows my body to feel more connected. I feel better on all levels. I am moving, walking, and living with much more confidence. My surgeons are not having me do any formal rehabilitation. They are very pleased with my progress and report that my recovery is ahead of schedule." - D. F. San Francisco, CA
"Bernard, When I first came to see you, my left tibia was constantly sore unless I wore a brace, always threatening to pop out of place and reduce me to intensely painful immobility; my right hip hurt whenever I walked more than 15 minutes. In June 2012 I had 93 cc's of fluid drained from my right knee after it randomly locked up; and in December 2013 I had another 50 mL removed from my left knee after it, too, mysteriously seized up. My muscles had stopped working together. Last summer my left hip slightly dislocated and that night was as painful and depressing as any I can remember... I'm 47, I remember thinking, and I can't even walk. I can't even play with my kids. Overall my wellness was as bad as I can recall. Now, 40 appointments later, I can bend forward when sitting to tie my shoes. There were whole weeks I couldn't do that. I can cough or sneeze in bed without feeling like someone has a knife in my back. I can sit up in bed without having to roll onto my side first and lever myself up with my arms. I sweat again: I can bike on my stationary bike for an hour without my back or hip starting to scream at me; I can swim for 45 minutes and when I get out, it doesn't feel like my back is being stretched on some medieval rack. I can jog across the road if a car accelerates towards me. I can lift my daughter into her chair without wincing. I can bend down to fix a drawer, and lean forward to fasten my children's' car seats. I can carry my young baby without panicking that ten minutes later I won't be able to move. I can turn and walk towards someone at a cocktail party without having to use most of my willpower not to let out a yell as the pain lances across my lower back. I can sleep: my back doesn't wake me four hours into the night and not let me get to sleep again. Thank you. I'm not done yet, but I feel like a different person than I did last October. You have given me back a huge part of my life--and I'm so, so grateful. Thank you." -E. G. San Francisco
"A little update: I'm off the medication for 2 months and I've done 3 of Dr. Schultze's detoxes. I've made considerable progress since the last time I saw you. I'm not cured by any means but I'm working towards it. I would still need to do the 30 day 'Incurables program', I just need the time, but at least I'm off the medications, they were terrible! Thanks again for your advice and help. I owe you a huge debt of gratitude, your advice and work has truly changed my life and given me hope for the future." C. V. Reno NV
"Feeling really incredible after our session on Wednesday - thank you!.... Since early childhood I had suffered from migraines and chronic pain, and at the age of 17 I was diagnosed with functional scoliosis. Several years ago I significantly improved my structure and reduced the curve in my spine with the assistance of a very talented chiropractor. This reduced the duration and severity of my chronic pain. However, at the time I began body work with Bernard my muscles were still used to being in a contracted, imbalanced position, and chronic pain was still a regular part of my life. Bernard suggested Zen Bodytherapy, which provides a systematic restructuring of the structure, functions, and energy of the body in a series of 10 sessions. Bernard communicates very clearly throughout every session and is clearly very knowledgeable and confident. Some aspects of the body work were quite painful, but after each session I experienced significantly greater freedom of movement, refined awareness of the muscles and tissues in my body, and a huge overall reduction in pain. By halfway through the 10 sessions of Zen Bodytherapy I was experiencing mild to moderate pain once a week or less, down from mild to moderate chronic neck and hip pain 3-4 days a week and serious, debilitating pain 2-3 times a month when we started the sessions. Now, after my 9th session, I am only experiencing the familiar chronic back and neck pain 1-2 days a month, so mild that it barely deserves the label ‘pain’ (at least compared to what I had gotten used to living with previously). I now have the freedom to re-learn new, more optimal ways of sitting, standing, walking, breathing, etc and I am aware of many muscle groups that I never used to consciously use. Bernard also taught me 3 simple exercises to do at least 4 times a week outside of our sessions which lengthen and strengthen the muscles in the lower and upper girdle and teach greater awareness of the way the muscles in the body work together. I’ve found these exercises to be incredibly valuable in reducing pain and discomfort, especially after long days of working on computers. It feels like I'm able to comfortable stand up a whole lot taller than before we started working together. Zen Bodytherapy is definitely a commitment of time and energy. The body work, tools and information that Bernard provided me with, along with my own personal awareness and motivation to improve my physical structure and function have allowed me to achieve greater embodiment than I ever thought would have been possible for me before. If you are suffering from chronic pain, please know that you can make the choice to improve the structure and function of your body and to experience life pain free, and Bernard can support you in doing so." - A. K. Berkeley, CA
"Bernard Langan has probably has the most refined sense of the human body in any human being I've met. His knowledge of the human body in relationship to how subtle movements can effect another human being is brilliant and his ability to convey that is clearer than any other human being I've met; Dancer, Healer or otherwise." - F. J. San Francisco, CA Filipino Martial Arts teacher, Student and Client "Dear Bernard, Thank you for all your help over the last few months. I appreciate the way you facilitated my own awareness of my body and health. I feel so much better; a true sense of well being which I attribute to the sessions with you. See you again in a few months.” -M. C. San Francisco, CA
"My experience with this work is it increases the physical capacity to heal the body and our emotions. We essentially become more intelligent as we work with it. It is built on an approach that has great respect for the fact that we are designed to be biological survival machines and in this design has a built-in natural resistance to change. When we begin to build our work with ourselves and with others from this baseline of biological reality, we observe that we can access deeper and more profound levels of change, building them on an ever changing map in a way that integrates deeply as we go. This allows us to see more clearly what we have accomplished, what is still needs to be done, and the pathway needed to accomplish our goals.
I've tested it out, and I am my greatest skeptic always in everything I've developed in my professional career and now as I develop the teaching of the work that I've created - I am my greatest skeptic. So, I've had a chance over decades to test all of these principles with so many different ways with thousands of people and they have played out so consistent that now I want to share them with others. My hope is that whatever field you work in - hopefully, I can save you 10 and maybe even 20 years in your own journey of learning to understand how to best apply what your gift is and what your working with and what systems your working with.
So my job really is to help you understand how to use your tools, which come from you. Your eyes, your touch, your feelings; how you process information, the way you learn, the ways you block yourself from learning, the way we go into shock because everyone you're working with is going to be in shock on some level as well. So, if you understand how you go into shock, and how you can begin to re-shift to a more balanced intelligent and less reactive level - then you will have an ability and an understanding to lead people into a better place for their health and increased performance. A better level of balance as well, and from there we actually become more plastic and can learn new things from a higher perspective which means we heal better, it means we perform at a higher level more consistently. It can even mean we enjoy life more. It's about retuning the entire system as one, and respecting all of the parts involved and realizing that there is no fixed solution for any problem. It is different for everybody.
It depends very very much on the individual and on any number of factors that it might be presenting in that configuration at the time you are working. So, we're going to look at a map where everything is talking to everything else in our body, and in our being, and we are going to explore together how that conversation has become distorted and limited in the level of reaction which is a problem that got stuck and then recreates itself. And in doing that, I'm going to help you to develop, but to first understand and witness, and then to develop for yourself the tools of your own perception as you work with yourself and work with people on deeper and subtler levels. So, what is very different about what we're doing in this class, is we are going to study together, so that your understanding of your tools becomes enhanced. So that you become more effective in knowing what materials you are working with, what systems are involved and how they are engaged. The more subtle and refined we can touch a reactive system - the more accurate the change is that occurs, the deeper level it happens on and the longer it lasts."
Beginners will be shown how to work from day one, with a presence of a very refined level of embodied wisdom and experience.
Advanced practitioners will learn to perceive and understand their tools more effectively as they work with this ever changing map of the human system, allowing them to be more effective and attain deeper, longer lasting results.
This class is for you if:
• You would like your work to be more effective
• Learn to treat shoulder, arm and hand problems
• Be able to work within, integrate and transcend protocols
• Be more confident in your work
• You would like to add a level of sophistication to your work that will allow you to feel subtle changes at deeper levels with greater healing response
• Know what order and sequence to work in and why
• Know how the somatic system connects and integrates change
• Know and understand how the somatic system resists change based on on our survival instincts and response trauma and what to do about this
• Be able to express why and how your work is effective in a manner which is both compelling and empowering for your clients
The Anatomy of Grace - An Exploration of the Somatic Role in Consciousness How We Function How We Heal
A Deeply Integrated Approach to Body Work, Self-Work and Healing with Dr. Ron Harwin, DC and Bernard Langan, HSE.
The material you will learn in these classes can be considered a new discovery in the Bodywork/Healing modalities.
Growing from a deep understanding of the effects of trauma on the multiple levels of the human system, you will learn to effectively rebuild the internal, multi-leveled communication that integrates and maintains the health of you and your clients physical body, as well as the depth and balance of our consciousness.
You will benefit from our over 70 years of combined practice - a lifetime of research and patient care that has synthesized this body of knowledge into a highly effective and yet very personalized level of treatments. This work if especially appropriate for working with patients who has been everywhere and have not gotten help.
Dates: January 30 & 31, 2016
Time: Saturday January 30 & Sunday 31: 10 am to 6:30 PM There will be a 1 1/2 hour lunch break each day
Tuition: $ 365.00 To register send a check payable to Bernard Langan Bernard Langan 1091 Calcot Place Suite 412 Oakland, CA 94606 class will be strictly limited to 18 participants
About the Instructors:
Dr. Ron Harwin When he was six years old, Dr. Harwin’s interest with understanding who we are in our bodies began. At age sixteen, his life long aspiration to understand who we are as spiritual beings became the primary motivation of his life. In 1969, while living in India, he first became interested in rehabilitative and manipulative therapies where this art is highly developed. Upon returning to the United States, he continued to work with rehabilitation therapies and began an in-depth study of Herbal Medicine and later received his Doctor of Chiropractic degree. Early in his studies, Dr. Harwin sensed that intellectual pursuits by themselves were not adequate to truly understand who we are, how we work or why our human system reacts to injuries and trauma the way it does. He operates from the belief that to work on a deep level with others, within their traumatic history, we must become familiar and comfortable residing in those deep, and sometimes dark places, within ourselves. Dr. Harwin has more than 30 years of study in the Healing Arts and the Internal Martial Arts. He also studies yoga, as well as Turkish devotional music on the Ney, a Middle Eastern Flute.
Dr. Ron’s Endorsements
“Dr. Ron Harwin is my loving father, cherished doctor and great teacher. His work goes beyond treating symptoms to a deep level of internal healing. My exposure to the profundity of his work has been one of the blessings of my life.” - Sophie Karan-Harwin, Daughter
“Ron’s work carries the gift of life, honoring one’s self, our responsibility towards each other, and our connection and oneness with the creator and the earth. It is a gift of love, showing us that our internal trauma can be healed through honest practices that re-tune our Central Nervous System to a higher level of function.” - Dave McDonald, Patient and Student
“I had lived with constant pain for 39 years, and 10 years ago I suffered a severe brain injury, leaving me handicapped with a Cognitive Brain Disorder. After working with Dr. Harwin, my pain is considerably reduced and I can now think clearly again. What a gift it is to live a normal life again.” - Ann Feldman, MS, MSW (Phone number available upon request.)
“Dr. Ron’s work is profound and life changing. His ability to see and understand the needs of my body as a whole system allows him to work at a depth of effectiveness I have never experience before.” - Reverend Cathleen Daley
“Ron Harwin is a gifted doctor with a profound understanding of the human body. He has had remarkable success with my most challenging patients and I unequivocally recommend him.” - Hyla Cass, MD
“Ron Harwin reads the body like a book. Through his hands flow a powerful energy tied with the knowledge to heal and shift a body to its greatest potential. My sessions with Ron have led to a higher well being physically, mentally and spiritually, along with a sense of balance from my feet on the ground, to my heart center. I can easily say that this work has been life changing for me and I would strongly recommend Ron's work to those with, our without physical injuries.” - Gitanjali Castellian
“Dr. Ron Harwin is a rare and gifted individual who has had the courage to forge his own road in response to seeing a need for a more integrated, compassionate and effective treatment for human trauma. I feel incredibly fortunate to be able to work with him.” - Traci Joy Burleigh, E-RYT, CMT
"Dr. Harwin has an incredible understanding of the way the human body works. Because of my work with him I am considerably more active, doing the things I love to do. I have less back pain, less headaches, and I am sleeping more soundly. My golf game has even improved, and my score proves it.” - Daniel Katz, Orinda, CA
“Dr. Harwin's Balance Machine invites us to re-awaken our initial conversation with gravity when as a toddler, we first stood. We are given the opportunity to address the ensuing postural habits and compensations, injuries and insults. We are given the rare and precious opportunity to return to primal balance.” - Suki Munsell, Ph.D, founder of Dynamic Walking
“To witness the transformation of my 86-year-old mother was to witness a living miracle. To see a frail, bent-over fearful yet brave elderly woman sit up, after a session, with a new sparkle in her eyes and a new balance on her feet was to see the aging process momentarily reversed. It was a joy for me to witness the spring of youth return to her step when just a couple of hours before, her walk was unsteady, as she carried her stiffening body with difficulty. Dr. Harwin has kept my mother out of a wheel chair and has helped her to live a fully functional life.” - Elizabeth Ann Sutcliffe, MA, LMT, LE
Patients speak about their results:
“Dr. Ronald Harwin was introduced to me as an alternative to spinal surgery. His ability to 'understand' and correct the body's long term injury patterns lies somewhere between mechanical and magical. Dr. Harwin carries my highest recommendation.” Marty Mazzanti, Chairman of the Board, The Produce Exchange
"I cannot even describe in words how wonderful it is to be really recovering from the mess my body was in." Lynn Clark-England
"Hello, I am Dr. David Surrenda. I am on the board of the Rippel Foundation with many of today’s leading Medical Doctors. Our mission is building a more effective health care for the American Public and the world. It is my honor to introduce Dr. Ron Harwin D.C., the inventor of The Harwin Balancer. I consider Dr. Harwin to be one of the today’s geniuses in the world of rehabilitation. His invention; The Harwin Balancer is, to my knowledge, the most effective innovation today in the treatment of Pain Syndromes, as well as Balance and Gait Problems. I know you will be interested in hearing what Dr. Harwin has to say, and from the people who’s lives it has changed. I can say with all confidence that using learning from Dr. Harwin will allow you to accomplish your clinic goals beyond what you are currently able to do."
“A friend's husband suffered a major stroke and after only one week using The Balancer he has noted significant improvement in balance." Susan Lin, M.D.
“The Harwin Balancer is the most effective solution for balance/gait problems that I have seen in my 45 years of clinical experience.” Peter Edgelow PT, DPT, National APTA Henry O. & Florence P Kendall Practice Award for Outstanding and Enduring Contributions to the practice of Physical Therapy
“Our peer-reviewed pilot study at the Department of Health & Exercise Science at Colorado State University has documented statistically significant improvements in the performance of sit-to-stand, and both stair ascent and stair descent in a group of older adults with perceived balance and functional impairment while standing. Therefore, we are confident that appropriate use of the Balancer with its accompanying training progression is effective for combating deficits in balance and physical function." - Raoul F, Reiser II, PhD, CSCS, FASC (Full study at
"After a spinal injury in a recreational accident I was in severe pain, off work and losing hope. In my first treatments with Dr. Harwin, my pain decreased markedly. It was easy for me to trust him, and I sincerely recommend him." Nicholette Phelps, Director Golden Gate National Parks Association
"I can truly say that I feel Dr. Harwin's treatment and his CompuHealth software program has saved me from surgery and years of pain as well as the loss of my career. I'd be glad to answer any questions you may have." Brandon N. Casey, Controller, Diablo Publications
"I am writing to let you know of the extraordinary help and success I have received from the unusual expertise of Dr. Ron Harwin. I have had bilateral Carpal Tunnel Syndrome since 1993 and I have been though surgery to both wrists and extensive physical therapy. I was no longer in constant pain, but I had little strength in my wrists, I was rated a 43% disability, and dismissed from my job. After being unable to work for two years, an acquaintance suggested I see Dr. Harwin. He has helped me regain the ability to use my hands to a level I had been led to believe was impossible. I am now working full time, my hand strength is about 85% of normal, and I am still continuing to get better." Jonathan Ach
"Dr. Harwin is one of the pioneers exploring and defining this field. I recommend his work to every computer user, every computer business, and every health professional." K. Summerly, Technical Writer
"I just want to say that what Ron does, seems thoroughly subtle and complete. He genuinely moves the body out of its own way. He works from his heart to his patient's heart. It's a beautiful thing that he does." Eric England
"Hi Ron, Congratulations on your upcoming training program. It’s been a long time coming. Your students are very lucky indeed. Sincerely, Stuart Heller PhD, 6th Dan, Trainer for NASA Scientists"
Instructor Bio Bernard Langan
For the sake of brevity - Bernard Langan's Full Bio is here - below are client testimonials
Bernard Langan has studied martial and restorative arts intensively for over 30 years and is an internationally respected instructor and practitioner of Ba Gua, Hsing-I, Chen Pan Ling style Tai Chi, I Liq Chuan, Pentjak Silat, Eskrima, Taoist Nei Gung and Chi Gung. He is a specialist in the fields of Bodywork, Movement Education and Biomechanics. He has done extensive cross-discipline research in martial, meditative, healing and movement systems, and can clearly articulate the synthesis of this knowledge and impart these skills to his students. He has a thriving full time clinical practice and teaching studio in the San Francisco Bay Area.
Testimonials from Bernard Langan's clients in many cases material that I learned from Dr. Harwin was integrated within Structural Integration and HannaSomatics Sessions.
“I had a motorcycle accident February 2010, in which I suffered a compound fracture in my tibia/ fibula, a right collapsed lung and a displaced right clavicle. After three weeks and four surgeries I was released from the hospital in a wheelchair. I was not able to walk for two months. I began to walk again with crutches and then with a cane. My walk was rigid. I had difficulty with side-to-side movements. I felt unstable and weak. At the end of June 2010, I began sessions in Hanna Somatic Education with Bernard Langan, HSE, and we used The Harwin Balancer™ in conjunction with these sessions. In late July Bernard introduced me to Dr. Harwin. I had 2 Balancer sessions with Dr. Harwin. All of this has been an amazing experience.
I have since continued working with Bernard Langan and completed a 14 session series of a method of Structural Integration called Zen Bodytherapy. I feel confident to move in ways that I have not been able to before. My balance is more stable. I am feeling parts of my body that I am usually not aware of. Using the the Harwin Balancer™ in conjunction with the Zen Bodytherapy and Hanna Somatic sessions helped me to discover how I can use my breath to move with more awareness; in a new way that allows my body to feel more connected. I feel better on all levels. I am moving, walking, and living with much more confidence. My surgeons are not having me do any formal rehabilitation. They are very pleased with my progress and report that my recovery is ahead of schedule." - D. F. San Francisco, CA
"Bernard, When I first came to see you, my left tibia was constantly sore unless I wore a brace, always threatening to pop out of place and reduce me to intensely painful immobility; my right hip hurt whenever I walked more than 15 minutes. In June 2012 I had 93 cc's of fluid drained from my right knee after it randomly locked up; and in December 2013 I had another 50 mL removed from my left knee after it, too, mysteriously seized up. My muscles had stopped working together. Last summer my left hip slightly dislocated and that night was as painful and depressing as any I can remember... I'm 47, I remember thinking, and I can't even walk. I can't even play with my kids. Overall my wellness was as bad as I can recall. Now, 40 appointments later, I can bend forward when sitting to tie my shoes. There were whole weeks I couldn't do that. I can cough or sneeze in bed without feeling like someone has a knife in my back. I can sit up in bed without having to roll onto my side first and lever myself up with my arms. I sweat again: I can bike on my stationary bike for an hour without my back or hip starting to scream at me; I can swim for 45 minutes and when I get out, it doesn't feel like my back is being stretched on some medieval rack. I can jog across the road if a car accelerates towards me. I can lift my daughter into her chair without wincing. I can bend down to fix a drawer, and lean forward to fasten my children's' car seats. I can carry my young baby without panicking that ten minutes later I won't be able to move. I can turn and walk towards someone at a cocktail party without having to use most of my willpower not to let out a yell as the pain lances across my lower back. I can sleep: my back doesn't wake me four hours into the night and not let me get to sleep again. Thank you. I'm not done yet, but I feel like a different person than I did last October. You have given me back a huge part of my life--and I'm so, so grateful. Thank you." -E. G. San Francisco
"A little update: I'm off the medication for 2 months and I've done 3 of Dr. Schultze's detoxes. I've made considerable progress since the last time I saw you. I'm not cured by any means but I'm working towards it. I would still need to do the 30 day 'Incurables program', I just need the time, but at least I'm off the medications, they were terrible! Thanks again for your advice and help. I owe you a huge debt of gratitude, your advice and work has truly changed my life and given me hope for the future." C. V. Reno NV
"Feeling really incredible after our session on Wednesday - thank you!.... Since early childhood I had suffered from migraines and chronic pain, and at the age of 17 I was diagnosed with functional scoliosis. Several years ago I significantly improved my structure and reduced the curve in my spine with the assistance of a very talented chiropractor. This reduced the duration and severity of my chronic pain. However, at the time I began body work with Bernard my muscles were still used to being in a contracted, imbalanced position, and chronic pain was still a regular part of my life. Bernard suggested Zen Bodytherapy, which provides a systematic restructuring of the structure, functions, and energy of the body in a series of 10 sessions. Bernard communicates very clearly throughout every session and is clearly very knowledgeable and confident. Some aspects of the body work were quite painful, but after each session I experienced significantly greater freedom of movement, refined awareness of the muscles and tissues in my body, and a huge overall reduction in pain. By halfway through the 10 sessions of Zen Bodytherapy I was experiencing mild to moderate pain once a week or less, down from mild to moderate chronic neck and hip pain 3-4 days a week and serious, debilitating pain 2-3 times a month when we started the sessions. Now, after my 9th session, I am only experiencing the familiar chronic back and neck pain 1-2 days a month, so mild that it barely deserves the label ‘pain’ (at least compared to what I had gotten used to living with previously). I now have the freedom to re-learn new, more optimal ways of sitting, standing, walking, breathing, etc and I am aware of many muscle groups that I never used to consciously use. Bernard also taught me 3 simple exercises to do at least 4 times a week outside of our sessions which lengthen and strengthen the muscles in the lower and upper girdle and teach greater awareness of the way the muscles in the body work together. I’ve found these exercises to be incredibly valuable in reducing pain and discomfort, especially after long days of working on computers. It feels like I'm able to comfortable stand up a whole lot taller than before we started working together. Zen Bodytherapy is definitely a commitment of time and energy. The body work, tools and information that Bernard provided me with, along with my own personal awareness and motivation to improve my physical structure and function have allowed me to achieve greater embodiment than I ever thought would have been possible for me before. If you are suffering from chronic pain, please know that you can make the choice to improve the structure and function of your body and to experience life pain free, and Bernard can support you in doing so." - A. K. Berkeley, CA
"Bernard Langan has probably has the most refined sense of the human body in any human being I've met. His knowledge of the human body in relationship to how subtle movements can effect another human being is brilliant and his ability to convey that is clearer than any other human being I've met; Dancer, Healer or otherwise." - F. J. San Francisco, CA Filipino Martial Arts teacher, Student and Client "Dear Bernard, Thank you for all your help over the last few months. I appreciate the way you facilitated my own awareness of my body and health. I feel so much better; a true sense of well being which I attribute to the sessions with you. See you again in a few months.” -M. C. San Francisco, CA