Bernard Langan
Bernard Langan has studied martial and restorative arts intensively for over 40 years and is an internationally respected instructor and practitioner of Ba Gua, Hsing-I, Chen Pan Ling style Tai Chi, I Liq Chuan, Pentjak Silat, Eskrima, Taoist Nei Gung and Chi Gung. He is a specialist in the fields of Bodywork, Movement Education and Biomechanics. He has done extensive cross-discipline research in martial, meditative, healing and movement systems, and can clearly articulate the synthesis of this knowledge and impart these skills to his students. He has a thriving full time clinical practice and teaching studio in the San Francisco Bay Area.
Bernard is a Certified Practitioner of Advanced Zen Bodytherapy®, and Zen Triggerpoint Anatomy® by the late William S. “Dub” Leigh, D.Z., and the International Zen Therapy Institute, Inc. Mr. Leigh was certified to practice and teach the work of Ida Rolf Ph.D., Moshe Feldenkrais D.Sc., Raymond Nimmo D.C., and Rinzai Zen Master Tanyouye Tenshin Rotaishi. Mr. Leigh was also a member of the first ‘Trager work’ training program conducted by Milton Trager M.D., and was the training coordinator, close associate, and student of Master Bodyworker Lauren Berry.
Bernard is a member of the IASI, the International Association of Structural Integrators and is designated as a Professional Structural Integrator by the IASI. Structural Integration (SI) is a system of deep tissue bodywork and movement education developed by Dr. Ida P. Rolf. The primary goal of SI is to restore the body to its natural state of alignment and balance by organizing the body along the line of gravity.
Bernard has continued advanced studies of Structural Integration through a private mentorship with Certified Advanced Rolfers® Jim and Karen Price of Palo Alto, CA, both students of the founder of Structural Integration, Dr. Ida P. Rolf. The Price's 'Integral' approach to Myo-fascial Structural Integration has a particular focus on the transformative power of bodywork to understand and change consciousness, bringing clients to healthier, happier perspectives, and facilitating the unfolding of an individual's greatest potential. Bernard is the heir to the Price’s professional library archives of Structural Integration materials and recordings.
Bernard is a Certified Advanced Level Practitioner of Physio-Synthesis™ under Ida Thomas, MA; having studied the principles and application of Physio-Synthesis™ under supervision and observation consistent with the comprehensive training created by Dr. Amy Cochran DO MD, and passed down to Ida Thomas MA through Dr. Lucille Coughran DC and Mary Sue Guthrie. This unique form of corrective exercise and somatic education is an important essential foundation for all movement practices to realize their promise. Physiosynthesis’ founder Dr. Amy Cochran, a Physician who trained both as an Osteopath and an Allopathic Medical Doctor had a profound understanding and ability with the human body's problems and potentials. Dr. Cochran was one of the original teachers of Dr. Ida P. Rolf, the founder of Structural Integration 'Rolfing'. Dr Cochran was a student of the founder of Osteopathy Dr. Andrew Taylor Still and the founder of Craniosacral therapy Dr. John Sutherland. Physio-Synthesis™ is referred to as the ‘other side’ of Osteopathy and the most sophisticated, original 'Core' Structural Balance Training. This timeless art of the body lengthens (animates) the deep, inner layered muscles which are often weak in relation to the outer muscles. A specific series of Formulated Movements™ harmonizes the Inner Core muscles and ligaments and trains their supportive actions, tone and response with the Outer musculature. The results are a fully integrated body with the facility to enjoy poised, effortless, efficient movement and posture.
Bernard is a Certified Practitioner of Somatic Education in the lineage of Thomas Hanna under the auspices of Eleanor Criswell Hanna, Ed.D., and the Novato Institute for Somatic Research and Training, and is a professional member of the AHSE, Association of Hanna Somatic Educators; and has served on the Association's Board of Directors, and was the Director for Continuing Education for 4 years. Hanna Somatic Education® is the direct, hands-on method developed by Thomas Hanna Ph.D. teaching voluntary conscious control of the neuromuscular system to persons suffering from involuntary muscular disorders. In Thomas Hanna’s words, “Hanna Somatic Education® is the most advanced system known for relieving chronic disorders which, otherwise, are untreatable by either medical or traditional therapeutic means.” Dr. Jim Deaver, D.C., who trained with Dr. Hanna explained, “It is a form of kinesthetically based biofeedback. As a technique for quickly and effectively releasing tight muscles and enhancing mind/body awareness, it is unparalleled.”
Bernard studied Craniosacral Orthopedics extensively under Dr. Curtis Turchin, D.C., M.A., who was a Bioenergetic Psychotherapist and practitioner of Postural Integration before becoming a successful Chiropractor. Dr. Turchin subsequently studied Craniosacral Orthopedics in the tradition of A.T. Still D.O., and William G. Sutherland D.O.. Bernard has continued to train with Dr. Turchin in Advanced Laser and Light Therapy, the therapeutic applications of low-level cold laser and infrared light for tissue regeneration.
Bernard is a Certified Coach of The Rossiter System®, a powerful 2-person method of creating space and length in all layers of the body’s vast network of connective tissues, fascia, tendons and ligaments. The results are fast pain relief and greater mobility. The Rossiter System® was created by Richard H. Rossiter, Certified Advanced Rolfer® with over 28 years of experience. It emphasizes active client participation and is similar to Rolfing®/Structural Integration, Ashiatsu (Barefoot Shiatsu), Thai Yoga Massage, Energy Healing and Myofascial Release. Each session is called a “Workout” instead of a session, treatment or therapy. The Rossiter Workouts® are usually performed on the floor with the client lying on a mat accepting weight transferred through the Coach’s foot. Rossiter Workouts® depend on active stretching and the conscious involvement and purposeful movement of the client. The Rossiter System® is grounded in fundamental structural and movement principles, and the techniques integrate wonderfully with Structural Integration making sessions more efficient and effective.
Bernard has studied Manual Therapy and Exercise Rehabilitation under Roy Goldberg RPT with whom he maintains a close personal and professional relationship. After graduating from Columbia University in New York – Roy continued to research and study as he developed his unique work in the Manual Therapy field. Roy trained with Florence Kendall PT, author of "Muscles Testing and Function"; Dr. John V Basmajiian MD, Author of "Muscles Alive Their Functions Revealed by Electromyography"; Shirley Sharmann PT, PhD author of "Diagnosis and Treatment of Movement Impairment Syndromes" and "Movement System Impairment Syndromes of the Extremities, Cervical and Thoracic Spines"; Mobilization with Movement the discoveries of Instructor Brian Mulligan F.N.Z.S.P. (Hon), Dip. M.T. from Wellington, New Zealand.
Bernard is a practitioner of traditional Aboriginal energetic and physical healing modalities trained by the late Gerry Bostock, an Australian Aboriginal Tribal Elder, Healer (Kurradji) and Spiritual Teacher of the Bundjalung Tribe.
Bernard is a Formal Lineage Disciple, licensed Instructor and inner door student under Grandmaster Chen Yun Ching, of Tai Chung, Taiwan; in the Lineage of Grandmaster Chen Pan Ling (Tai Chi, Hsing-I, Ba Gua, Nei Gung, Honan Shaolin, Feng Chuan, Chinese Weaponry). Grandmaster Chen Pan Ling is one of the most highly revered martial arts teachers of the 20th century. Grandmaster Chen Pan Ling was regarded as a kind- and open-hearted man by his students, concerned with preserving the best of Chinese Boxing; traits that have been inculcated by Grandmaster Chen Yun Ching.
"Until his death at 77 in 1967, Chen Pan Ling was without doubt more knowledgeable on the principles, rationale, and practice of Chinese Boxing than anyone else in the world." - Words of Robert W. Smith, author and historian from his text Chinese Boxing Grandmasters and Methods.
Grandmaster Chen Yun Ching is the youngest son of Chen Pan Ling and heir to his father’s martial arts legacy. Grandmaster Chen Yun Ching invited Bernard to take part in a Bai Shi ceremony, where he was officially recognized as an inner door student and the next generation in the lineage of Chen Pan Ling, designated by the generation name “Ling Yun Pai”. This ceremony was held in January 2011 at the Fo Guang Shan Temple, the largest Buddhist Temple in Taiwan.
Bernard is a Formal Lineage Disciple and Second-Generation inner door student in the art of Zhong Xin Dao - I Liq Chuan under world renowned Grandmaster Sam F. S. Chin; originally from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; (I Liq Chuan, Nei Gung, Meditation). Master Fan Siong Chin is the Co-Founder and Holder of the First Lineage of Succession in the art of I Liq Chuan from his father the legendary Great Grand Master Chin Lik Keong, who is the art’s Founder. Bernard traveled to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia in August 2011, where he was privileged to train directly under Grand Master Chin Lik Keong. He traveled to Malaysia again in summer of 2016 to train in the Chin family home with Grandmaster Sam F. S. Chin and other senior Disciples and Instructors in the art.
Becoming a Formal Lineage Disciple is an invitation rarely extended in the Chinese Martial Tradition and is one of the greatest honors a teacher can bestow on any student of the Martial Arts. Acceptance is both an honor and a responsibility, since the "Bai Shi", (“inner door student”), must undertake to absorb all the teachings of the master for preservation and dissemination to future generations, as well as abide by and uphold the moral integrity and martial virtues preserved through the lineage of transmission.
Bernard’s other main Chinese Internal Arts teacher is world renowned Master, Laoshi Luo De Xiu of Tai Pei, Taiwan; (Ba Gua, Hsing-I, Tai Chi, Nei Gung), with whom he has maintained a trusted, close and deeply valued relationship that began in 1993. Luo Laoshi is a highly advanced adapt of the Internal Martials Arts, Nei Gung and Taoist Meditation, he is the principle and last disciple of Hun Yi-Hsiang of Tai Pei, Taiwan. Luo Laoshi continued his training under Liu Qian of the Sun Xikun branch of Ba Gua and Nei Gung.
Bernard is a First Heir Lineage Holder and Full Guru (Instructor) under the late Maha Guru “Pak” Victor de Thouars in the Indonesian art of Pentjak Silat Sera-Serak®. Bernard is an Instructor of ODF (Offensive Defensive Force) under Maha Guru Pak Victor de Thouars founder of the ODF/ODT (Offensive Defensive Force/Offensive Defensive Technology) Close Quarter Combat Systems.
Bernard became a private student of the late Maestro Sonny Umpad in the Philippine art of Visayan Eskrima in 1997 and is a Lineage Holder and Guro (Instructor) of the Visayan Style of Corto Kadena / Largo Mano Eskrima.
Bernard has made several extended trips to Taiwan together with his teacher, friend and mentor Master James Sumarac of Australia, to train with the late Fujian White Crane Master Tseng Jin-Ying of Huanlin, Taiwan.
Bernard is a student of Dan Harden and has co-taught seminars with Dan - Sensei - the Founder of the San Gen Kai International. San Gen Kai brings ancient body technology from the Asian martial arts and Yogic practices into the modern age to develop stability, power and increased performance relevant to anyone in pursuit of more efficient movement. The Bodywork seminar format is a Mind/Body training program that Dan has adapted from traditional training, eliminating the need for art-specific martial techniques or kata to develop power.
Teaching Highlights: In addition to teaching seminars in the United States and Europe, Bernard has been a featured instructor for many years at the Martial Arts Collective Society Gatherings, Chi Lin Pai Gung Fu Training Camps, the New England Martial Arts Symposium, and at the “Ring of Fire” events. In June of 2003 - 2011 he was a featured martial arts instructor alongside Guru Dan Inosanto, protégé of the late Bruce Lee. In October 2016, Bernard Langan was the recipient of the prestigious Thomas Young / Robert Trias – Spirit Award presented by the Sei Kosho Shorei Kai International in recognition of tireless efforts, perseverance and unending dedication to the preservation and growth of the Martial Arts. In 2019 Bernard taught at the 3rd Annual MABA Mediation, Bodywork and Martial Arts Summer Retreat for Returning Students with Ven. Ji Ru, and Grandmaster Sam Chin at the Mid-Western Buddhist Association, Augusta, MO. Also, in 2019 Bernard was invited to teach and present at the Dan and Zoe Harden’s San Gen Kai International 10th Anniversary Internal Power and Yoga Origins seminar along with Chen Tai Chi, Yoga and Kalari Payattu exponents Paul Caird and Jane Farrimond of the UK.
Other distinguished martial arts instructors include: the late Hadji Yasser Tanadjalan of the Moro Yakan Tribe in Basilan, Mindanao, Philippines; Bruce Juchnik, Hanshi of Kosho Shorei Ryu Kempo; Gurdev Nidar Singh sole surviving and ninth teacher of the Indian Battlefield Art of Barba Darbara Singh Shastar Vidya Akhara; Grandmaster Ismail Sujadi of the West Javanese family system of Pasunda Pencak Silat; and Chinese Internal Arts Masters – Roger Hagood of Pingshan China (Hakka Southern Praying Mantis – Kwongsai Jook Lum and Chu Gar), Ron Wilkerson, Wang Hao Da, Cai Sai Fang, Fong Ha and B.K. Frantzis. Bernard is a member of the Pentjak Silat Serak Council of Elders, a senior advisor to MACS, the Martial Arts Collective Society and a Program Director in Somatic Therapies to the Zhong Xin Dao - I Liq Chuan, Therapeutic Educational Programs.
Bernard’s personal practice has also been influenced and deepened by the teachings of: the late Tetsuzan Kuroda Sensei and Headmaster of Shinbukan - the Kuroda family system, Shihan Makato Okamoto Shihan of Nihonden Daito Ryu Aiki Jujutsu, Roy Goldberg, Shihan 7th Dan of Daito Ryu Aiki Jujutsu, Taoist Yoga and Tai Shing Pek-Kwar Master Paulie Zink; Chan Buddhist Meditation with Venerable, Ji Ru Head Abbot of the MABA Midwest Buddhist Association, Shandor Remete, founder of the Shadow school of Hatha Yoga; Grand Master “Bapak” Willem de Thouars, founder of Kuntao/Silat de Thouars; American Catch Wrestling expert Tony Cecchine; strength and conditioning specialist James “Tiger” Jones founder of Team Elite Fitness, and Torsten Kanzmeier founder of Lei Gong Nei Quan, a martial arts practice with roots in the Shamanic tradition of the Sámi people of Lapland.
Bernard’s related cross training includes: Chinese Bodywork (Tui Na and Gua Sha), 5 Element Diagnostic Theory, Visceral Manipulation, Myofascial Release, Taoist and Zen Meditation, Taoist Yoga, I-Chuan, Mindanao Silat Asli, Kosho Shorei Ryu Kempo, Chi Lin Chuan Fa, Eight Drunken Immortals Kung Fu, Aikido, Pangai Noon/Uechi-Ryu Karate (Black Belt), Wing Chun, Southern Praying Mantis, Tibetan Lung Ta, Western and Thai Boxing, Kuntao, Dumog, Moro-Moro, Sikaran, Kalari Payattu, Nata Yoga (Shiva Tandava), Raja & Hatha Yoga, Modern Dance, Feldenkrais Method, Alexander Technique, Gurdjieff Movements, Shamanism, and Chinese Tea Ceremony. He is a graduate of St. John’s College, Annapolis, Maryland where he received a classical education with double major degrees in Philosophy and Mathematics, double minor in Languages (Ancient Greek and French).
Bernard Langan
In Motion Center
1091 Calcot Place Suite 412
Oakland CA 94606
Bernard is a Certified Practitioner of Advanced Zen Bodytherapy®, and Zen Triggerpoint Anatomy® by the late William S. “Dub” Leigh, D.Z., and the International Zen Therapy Institute, Inc. Mr. Leigh was certified to practice and teach the work of Ida Rolf Ph.D., Moshe Feldenkrais D.Sc., Raymond Nimmo D.C., and Rinzai Zen Master Tanyouye Tenshin Rotaishi. Mr. Leigh was also a member of the first ‘Trager work’ training program conducted by Milton Trager M.D., and was the training coordinator, close associate, and student of Master Bodyworker Lauren Berry.
Bernard is a member of the IASI, the International Association of Structural Integrators and is designated as a Professional Structural Integrator by the IASI. Structural Integration (SI) is a system of deep tissue bodywork and movement education developed by Dr. Ida P. Rolf. The primary goal of SI is to restore the body to its natural state of alignment and balance by organizing the body along the line of gravity.
Bernard has continued advanced studies of Structural Integration through a private mentorship with Certified Advanced Rolfers® Jim and Karen Price of Palo Alto, CA, both students of the founder of Structural Integration, Dr. Ida P. Rolf. The Price's 'Integral' approach to Myo-fascial Structural Integration has a particular focus on the transformative power of bodywork to understand and change consciousness, bringing clients to healthier, happier perspectives, and facilitating the unfolding of an individual's greatest potential. Bernard is the heir to the Price’s professional library archives of Structural Integration materials and recordings.
Bernard is a Certified Advanced Level Practitioner of Physio-Synthesis™ under Ida Thomas, MA; having studied the principles and application of Physio-Synthesis™ under supervision and observation consistent with the comprehensive training created by Dr. Amy Cochran DO MD, and passed down to Ida Thomas MA through Dr. Lucille Coughran DC and Mary Sue Guthrie. This unique form of corrective exercise and somatic education is an important essential foundation for all movement practices to realize their promise. Physiosynthesis’ founder Dr. Amy Cochran, a Physician who trained both as an Osteopath and an Allopathic Medical Doctor had a profound understanding and ability with the human body's problems and potentials. Dr. Cochran was one of the original teachers of Dr. Ida P. Rolf, the founder of Structural Integration 'Rolfing'. Dr Cochran was a student of the founder of Osteopathy Dr. Andrew Taylor Still and the founder of Craniosacral therapy Dr. John Sutherland. Physio-Synthesis™ is referred to as the ‘other side’ of Osteopathy and the most sophisticated, original 'Core' Structural Balance Training. This timeless art of the body lengthens (animates) the deep, inner layered muscles which are often weak in relation to the outer muscles. A specific series of Formulated Movements™ harmonizes the Inner Core muscles and ligaments and trains their supportive actions, tone and response with the Outer musculature. The results are a fully integrated body with the facility to enjoy poised, effortless, efficient movement and posture.
Bernard is a Certified Practitioner of Somatic Education in the lineage of Thomas Hanna under the auspices of Eleanor Criswell Hanna, Ed.D., and the Novato Institute for Somatic Research and Training, and is a professional member of the AHSE, Association of Hanna Somatic Educators; and has served on the Association's Board of Directors, and was the Director for Continuing Education for 4 years. Hanna Somatic Education® is the direct, hands-on method developed by Thomas Hanna Ph.D. teaching voluntary conscious control of the neuromuscular system to persons suffering from involuntary muscular disorders. In Thomas Hanna’s words, “Hanna Somatic Education® is the most advanced system known for relieving chronic disorders which, otherwise, are untreatable by either medical or traditional therapeutic means.” Dr. Jim Deaver, D.C., who trained with Dr. Hanna explained, “It is a form of kinesthetically based biofeedback. As a technique for quickly and effectively releasing tight muscles and enhancing mind/body awareness, it is unparalleled.”
Bernard studied Craniosacral Orthopedics extensively under Dr. Curtis Turchin, D.C., M.A., who was a Bioenergetic Psychotherapist and practitioner of Postural Integration before becoming a successful Chiropractor. Dr. Turchin subsequently studied Craniosacral Orthopedics in the tradition of A.T. Still D.O., and William G. Sutherland D.O.. Bernard has continued to train with Dr. Turchin in Advanced Laser and Light Therapy, the therapeutic applications of low-level cold laser and infrared light for tissue regeneration.
Bernard is a Certified Coach of The Rossiter System®, a powerful 2-person method of creating space and length in all layers of the body’s vast network of connective tissues, fascia, tendons and ligaments. The results are fast pain relief and greater mobility. The Rossiter System® was created by Richard H. Rossiter, Certified Advanced Rolfer® with over 28 years of experience. It emphasizes active client participation and is similar to Rolfing®/Structural Integration, Ashiatsu (Barefoot Shiatsu), Thai Yoga Massage, Energy Healing and Myofascial Release. Each session is called a “Workout” instead of a session, treatment or therapy. The Rossiter Workouts® are usually performed on the floor with the client lying on a mat accepting weight transferred through the Coach’s foot. Rossiter Workouts® depend on active stretching and the conscious involvement and purposeful movement of the client. The Rossiter System® is grounded in fundamental structural and movement principles, and the techniques integrate wonderfully with Structural Integration making sessions more efficient and effective.
Bernard has studied Manual Therapy and Exercise Rehabilitation under Roy Goldberg RPT with whom he maintains a close personal and professional relationship. After graduating from Columbia University in New York – Roy continued to research and study as he developed his unique work in the Manual Therapy field. Roy trained with Florence Kendall PT, author of "Muscles Testing and Function"; Dr. John V Basmajiian MD, Author of "Muscles Alive Their Functions Revealed by Electromyography"; Shirley Sharmann PT, PhD author of "Diagnosis and Treatment of Movement Impairment Syndromes" and "Movement System Impairment Syndromes of the Extremities, Cervical and Thoracic Spines"; Mobilization with Movement the discoveries of Instructor Brian Mulligan F.N.Z.S.P. (Hon), Dip. M.T. from Wellington, New Zealand.
Bernard is a practitioner of traditional Aboriginal energetic and physical healing modalities trained by the late Gerry Bostock, an Australian Aboriginal Tribal Elder, Healer (Kurradji) and Spiritual Teacher of the Bundjalung Tribe.
Bernard is a Formal Lineage Disciple, licensed Instructor and inner door student under Grandmaster Chen Yun Ching, of Tai Chung, Taiwan; in the Lineage of Grandmaster Chen Pan Ling (Tai Chi, Hsing-I, Ba Gua, Nei Gung, Honan Shaolin, Feng Chuan, Chinese Weaponry). Grandmaster Chen Pan Ling is one of the most highly revered martial arts teachers of the 20th century. Grandmaster Chen Pan Ling was regarded as a kind- and open-hearted man by his students, concerned with preserving the best of Chinese Boxing; traits that have been inculcated by Grandmaster Chen Yun Ching.
"Until his death at 77 in 1967, Chen Pan Ling was without doubt more knowledgeable on the principles, rationale, and practice of Chinese Boxing than anyone else in the world." - Words of Robert W. Smith, author and historian from his text Chinese Boxing Grandmasters and Methods.
Grandmaster Chen Yun Ching is the youngest son of Chen Pan Ling and heir to his father’s martial arts legacy. Grandmaster Chen Yun Ching invited Bernard to take part in a Bai Shi ceremony, where he was officially recognized as an inner door student and the next generation in the lineage of Chen Pan Ling, designated by the generation name “Ling Yun Pai”. This ceremony was held in January 2011 at the Fo Guang Shan Temple, the largest Buddhist Temple in Taiwan.
Bernard is a Formal Lineage Disciple and Second-Generation inner door student in the art of Zhong Xin Dao - I Liq Chuan under world renowned Grandmaster Sam F. S. Chin; originally from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; (I Liq Chuan, Nei Gung, Meditation). Master Fan Siong Chin is the Co-Founder and Holder of the First Lineage of Succession in the art of I Liq Chuan from his father the legendary Great Grand Master Chin Lik Keong, who is the art’s Founder. Bernard traveled to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia in August 2011, where he was privileged to train directly under Grand Master Chin Lik Keong. He traveled to Malaysia again in summer of 2016 to train in the Chin family home with Grandmaster Sam F. S. Chin and other senior Disciples and Instructors in the art.
Becoming a Formal Lineage Disciple is an invitation rarely extended in the Chinese Martial Tradition and is one of the greatest honors a teacher can bestow on any student of the Martial Arts. Acceptance is both an honor and a responsibility, since the "Bai Shi", (“inner door student”), must undertake to absorb all the teachings of the master for preservation and dissemination to future generations, as well as abide by and uphold the moral integrity and martial virtues preserved through the lineage of transmission.
Bernard’s other main Chinese Internal Arts teacher is world renowned Master, Laoshi Luo De Xiu of Tai Pei, Taiwan; (Ba Gua, Hsing-I, Tai Chi, Nei Gung), with whom he has maintained a trusted, close and deeply valued relationship that began in 1993. Luo Laoshi is a highly advanced adapt of the Internal Martials Arts, Nei Gung and Taoist Meditation, he is the principle and last disciple of Hun Yi-Hsiang of Tai Pei, Taiwan. Luo Laoshi continued his training under Liu Qian of the Sun Xikun branch of Ba Gua and Nei Gung.
Bernard is a First Heir Lineage Holder and Full Guru (Instructor) under the late Maha Guru “Pak” Victor de Thouars in the Indonesian art of Pentjak Silat Sera-Serak®. Bernard is an Instructor of ODF (Offensive Defensive Force) under Maha Guru Pak Victor de Thouars founder of the ODF/ODT (Offensive Defensive Force/Offensive Defensive Technology) Close Quarter Combat Systems.
Bernard became a private student of the late Maestro Sonny Umpad in the Philippine art of Visayan Eskrima in 1997 and is a Lineage Holder and Guro (Instructor) of the Visayan Style of Corto Kadena / Largo Mano Eskrima.
Bernard has made several extended trips to Taiwan together with his teacher, friend and mentor Master James Sumarac of Australia, to train with the late Fujian White Crane Master Tseng Jin-Ying of Huanlin, Taiwan.
Bernard is a student of Dan Harden and has co-taught seminars with Dan - Sensei - the Founder of the San Gen Kai International. San Gen Kai brings ancient body technology from the Asian martial arts and Yogic practices into the modern age to develop stability, power and increased performance relevant to anyone in pursuit of more efficient movement. The Bodywork seminar format is a Mind/Body training program that Dan has adapted from traditional training, eliminating the need for art-specific martial techniques or kata to develop power.
Teaching Highlights: In addition to teaching seminars in the United States and Europe, Bernard has been a featured instructor for many years at the Martial Arts Collective Society Gatherings, Chi Lin Pai Gung Fu Training Camps, the New England Martial Arts Symposium, and at the “Ring of Fire” events. In June of 2003 - 2011 he was a featured martial arts instructor alongside Guru Dan Inosanto, protégé of the late Bruce Lee. In October 2016, Bernard Langan was the recipient of the prestigious Thomas Young / Robert Trias – Spirit Award presented by the Sei Kosho Shorei Kai International in recognition of tireless efforts, perseverance and unending dedication to the preservation and growth of the Martial Arts. In 2019 Bernard taught at the 3rd Annual MABA Mediation, Bodywork and Martial Arts Summer Retreat for Returning Students with Ven. Ji Ru, and Grandmaster Sam Chin at the Mid-Western Buddhist Association, Augusta, MO. Also, in 2019 Bernard was invited to teach and present at the Dan and Zoe Harden’s San Gen Kai International 10th Anniversary Internal Power and Yoga Origins seminar along with Chen Tai Chi, Yoga and Kalari Payattu exponents Paul Caird and Jane Farrimond of the UK.
Other distinguished martial arts instructors include: the late Hadji Yasser Tanadjalan of the Moro Yakan Tribe in Basilan, Mindanao, Philippines; Bruce Juchnik, Hanshi of Kosho Shorei Ryu Kempo; Gurdev Nidar Singh sole surviving and ninth teacher of the Indian Battlefield Art of Barba Darbara Singh Shastar Vidya Akhara; Grandmaster Ismail Sujadi of the West Javanese family system of Pasunda Pencak Silat; and Chinese Internal Arts Masters – Roger Hagood of Pingshan China (Hakka Southern Praying Mantis – Kwongsai Jook Lum and Chu Gar), Ron Wilkerson, Wang Hao Da, Cai Sai Fang, Fong Ha and B.K. Frantzis. Bernard is a member of the Pentjak Silat Serak Council of Elders, a senior advisor to MACS, the Martial Arts Collective Society and a Program Director in Somatic Therapies to the Zhong Xin Dao - I Liq Chuan, Therapeutic Educational Programs.
Bernard’s personal practice has also been influenced and deepened by the teachings of: the late Tetsuzan Kuroda Sensei and Headmaster of Shinbukan - the Kuroda family system, Shihan Makato Okamoto Shihan of Nihonden Daito Ryu Aiki Jujutsu, Roy Goldberg, Shihan 7th Dan of Daito Ryu Aiki Jujutsu, Taoist Yoga and Tai Shing Pek-Kwar Master Paulie Zink; Chan Buddhist Meditation with Venerable, Ji Ru Head Abbot of the MABA Midwest Buddhist Association, Shandor Remete, founder of the Shadow school of Hatha Yoga; Grand Master “Bapak” Willem de Thouars, founder of Kuntao/Silat de Thouars; American Catch Wrestling expert Tony Cecchine; strength and conditioning specialist James “Tiger” Jones founder of Team Elite Fitness, and Torsten Kanzmeier founder of Lei Gong Nei Quan, a martial arts practice with roots in the Shamanic tradition of the Sámi people of Lapland.
Bernard’s related cross training includes: Chinese Bodywork (Tui Na and Gua Sha), 5 Element Diagnostic Theory, Visceral Manipulation, Myofascial Release, Taoist and Zen Meditation, Taoist Yoga, I-Chuan, Mindanao Silat Asli, Kosho Shorei Ryu Kempo, Chi Lin Chuan Fa, Eight Drunken Immortals Kung Fu, Aikido, Pangai Noon/Uechi-Ryu Karate (Black Belt), Wing Chun, Southern Praying Mantis, Tibetan Lung Ta, Western and Thai Boxing, Kuntao, Dumog, Moro-Moro, Sikaran, Kalari Payattu, Nata Yoga (Shiva Tandava), Raja & Hatha Yoga, Modern Dance, Feldenkrais Method, Alexander Technique, Gurdjieff Movements, Shamanism, and Chinese Tea Ceremony. He is a graduate of St. John’s College, Annapolis, Maryland where he received a classical education with double major degrees in Philosophy and Mathematics, double minor in Languages (Ancient Greek and French).
Bernard Langan
In Motion Center
1091 Calcot Place Suite 412
Oakland CA 94606