The Anatomy of Grace -
The Anatomy of Grace
An Exploration into the Somatic Role of Consciousness
A Deeply Integrated Approach to Body Work, Self-Work and Healing
with Dr. Ron Harwin, DC November 19 & 20, 2016
“ This seminar will be an invaluable experience for anyone who wants to deeply understand how to authentically develop their healing gifts.” - Sifu Bernard Langan
The material you will learn in this class is a new approach to Bodywork and Healing modalities.
Growing from a deep understanding of the effects of trauma on the multiple levels of the human system, you will learn to effectively rebuild the internal, multi-leveled communication that integrates and maintains the health of your own and your client’s body.
Dr. Harwin has a unique ability to connect, appreciate and support each practitioner that he works with in this class; and you will benefit from Dr Harwin’s lifetime of research and patient rehabilitation that he has synthesized into this transmission of knowledge.
His guidance as a teacher and mentor is empowering and will allow you to develop and expand your practice in a dynamic, fluid way.
This exciting process of learning and exploration will enable you to offer your clients highly effective and very personalized levels of treatment and care.
"After long suffering, I am tempted to think that Dr. Harwin's touch is magic. Perhaps it is, but I think I have finally found a person who simply knows deeply what he is doing." - Greg Hartwig, Yoga Instructor, Piedmont Yoga
Dates: Saturday & Sunday November 19th and 20th, 2016
Time: 10 am to 6:30 PM
(There will be a 1 1/2 hour lunch break each day)
Tuition: $ 385.00
Location: In Motion Center
1091 Calcot Place Suite 412
Oakland CA 94606
Treatment and the Body's Healing Response
In this upcoming class we will begin a deep exploration into the levels of response of our human system using "the Cycle of Change Map ©".
This map will help you clarify your navigation of this highly intelligent, but extremely resistant biological system.
The goal of this class will be to explore and deepen your personal understanding of how to dance with this ancient survival mechanism,
respecting its agenda of importance and leading to a deeper and more integrated response to your work.
The Stages of the Cycle of Change we will be focusing on in our November class will be:
1- First Contact: The Intention and Quality of Your First Contact
2 - Spreading and Deepening: Spreading the change you are creating in one system/level towards a deeper, more integrated holistic level of participation throughout the body.
3 - Tuning The Symphony: We work to open the system in the area we are treating to make effective change but this, by its very nature, creates a fragmentation of the integration of the whole.
Through understanding the necessity of Tuning the Whole in the last phase of a session, you have the opportunity to help your client’s body integrate the work you have done on a much deeper level, than if you leave it up to its own devices and reactive patterns. You might think of this phase as re-sculpting the compensatory patterns.
Method of Study
We will use a method of study supported by Somatic Meditation; Engaging in your Relationship with Gravity, Activating the Long Spine, and Floating in your Breath Wave.
From here we will move into partner work, refining your personal understanding of the principles of the long spine as it moves within the breath wave, and then to table work to help you clarify and deepen your understanding of the possibilities that become available when we refine our level of interaction with the body’s survival mechanism.
Beginners will be shown how to work from day one, with a presence of a very refined level of experience and embodied wisdom.
Advanced practitioners will learn to perceive and understand their tools more effectively as they work with this ever changing map of the human system, allowing them to be more effective and attain deeper, longer lasting results with clients and their own internal work.
You will find the class and community of people engaged with this work warm, knowledgeable welcoming and to contribute to each others progress and understanding.
To register send a check payable to Bernard Langan
Bernard Langan
1091 Calcot Place Suite 412
Oakland, CA 94606
This class will be strictly limited to 18 participants
"I got to know Dr. Ron Harwin when he was training with me in Internal Martial Arts, and have had many conversations where he shared his marvelous insights into the traditions of bodywork and how to integrate the work that has come before. I think the level of understanding and perception conveyed by Dr. Harwin's touch and importantly his ideas and perspectives, which have allowed him to successfully and powerfully integrate and address multiple somatic systems in treatments, makes him one of today's great teachers in the world of rehabilitation. Working with him has enriched my practice and been especially helpful in dealing with clients who have a history of trauma. This seminar will be an invaluable experience for anyone who wants to deeply understand how to authentically develop their healing gifts.”
- Bernard Langan
In this interview (see soundcloud link below)
Sifu Bernard Langan talks with Dr. Ron Harwin about Treatment and the Body's Healing Response.
The interview addresses factors involved with complex cases including:
An Exploration into the Somatic Role of Consciousness
A Deeply Integrated Approach to Body Work, Self-Work and Healing
with Dr. Ron Harwin, DC November 19 & 20, 2016
“ This seminar will be an invaluable experience for anyone who wants to deeply understand how to authentically develop their healing gifts.” - Sifu Bernard Langan
The material you will learn in this class is a new approach to Bodywork and Healing modalities.
Growing from a deep understanding of the effects of trauma on the multiple levels of the human system, you will learn to effectively rebuild the internal, multi-leveled communication that integrates and maintains the health of your own and your client’s body.
Dr. Harwin has a unique ability to connect, appreciate and support each practitioner that he works with in this class; and you will benefit from Dr Harwin’s lifetime of research and patient rehabilitation that he has synthesized into this transmission of knowledge.
His guidance as a teacher and mentor is empowering and will allow you to develop and expand your practice in a dynamic, fluid way.
This exciting process of learning and exploration will enable you to offer your clients highly effective and very personalized levels of treatment and care.
"After long suffering, I am tempted to think that Dr. Harwin's touch is magic. Perhaps it is, but I think I have finally found a person who simply knows deeply what he is doing." - Greg Hartwig, Yoga Instructor, Piedmont Yoga
Dates: Saturday & Sunday November 19th and 20th, 2016
Time: 10 am to 6:30 PM
(There will be a 1 1/2 hour lunch break each day)
Tuition: $ 385.00
Location: In Motion Center
1091 Calcot Place Suite 412
Oakland CA 94606
Treatment and the Body's Healing Response
In this upcoming class we will begin a deep exploration into the levels of response of our human system using "the Cycle of Change Map ©".
This map will help you clarify your navigation of this highly intelligent, but extremely resistant biological system.
The goal of this class will be to explore and deepen your personal understanding of how to dance with this ancient survival mechanism,
respecting its agenda of importance and leading to a deeper and more integrated response to your work.
The Stages of the Cycle of Change we will be focusing on in our November class will be:
1- First Contact: The Intention and Quality of Your First Contact
2 - Spreading and Deepening: Spreading the change you are creating in one system/level towards a deeper, more integrated holistic level of participation throughout the body.
3 - Tuning The Symphony: We work to open the system in the area we are treating to make effective change but this, by its very nature, creates a fragmentation of the integration of the whole.
Through understanding the necessity of Tuning the Whole in the last phase of a session, you have the opportunity to help your client’s body integrate the work you have done on a much deeper level, than if you leave it up to its own devices and reactive patterns. You might think of this phase as re-sculpting the compensatory patterns.
Method of Study
We will use a method of study supported by Somatic Meditation; Engaging in your Relationship with Gravity, Activating the Long Spine, and Floating in your Breath Wave.
From here we will move into partner work, refining your personal understanding of the principles of the long spine as it moves within the breath wave, and then to table work to help you clarify and deepen your understanding of the possibilities that become available when we refine our level of interaction with the body’s survival mechanism.
Beginners will be shown how to work from day one, with a presence of a very refined level of experience and embodied wisdom.
Advanced practitioners will learn to perceive and understand their tools more effectively as they work with this ever changing map of the human system, allowing them to be more effective and attain deeper, longer lasting results with clients and their own internal work.
You will find the class and community of people engaged with this work warm, knowledgeable welcoming and to contribute to each others progress and understanding.
To register send a check payable to Bernard Langan
Bernard Langan
1091 Calcot Place Suite 412
Oakland, CA 94606
This class will be strictly limited to 18 participants
"I got to know Dr. Ron Harwin when he was training with me in Internal Martial Arts, and have had many conversations where he shared his marvelous insights into the traditions of bodywork and how to integrate the work that has come before. I think the level of understanding and perception conveyed by Dr. Harwin's touch and importantly his ideas and perspectives, which have allowed him to successfully and powerfully integrate and address multiple somatic systems in treatments, makes him one of today's great teachers in the world of rehabilitation. Working with him has enriched my practice and been especially helpful in dealing with clients who have a history of trauma. This seminar will be an invaluable experience for anyone who wants to deeply understand how to authentically develop their healing gifts.”
- Bernard Langan
In this interview (see soundcloud link below)
Sifu Bernard Langan talks with Dr. Ron Harwin about Treatment and the Body's Healing Response.
The interview addresses factors involved with complex cases including:
- refining how we use intention when working with a bodywork client
- a new approach to tuning the multiple levels human function
- the necessity of working with and opening the breathe wave within a traumatic area
- the effect of hip degeneration on treatment outcomes
- inflammation
- nerve irritation
- a simple and highly effective method to release the diaphragm
- diaphragmatic adhesions and their effect postural distortions - how they can lead to disc degeneration
- why it is possible to over and under treat a condition and what to do about this
- hyper-mobility
- lesions
- rehabilitative exercise
- changing movements patterns - how the body compensates to injury