Rossiter Work
The Rossiter System Workouts are deep tissue – connective tissue – stretching that restore easy movement, loosening tightness in your body quickly and effectively, to eliminate the source of pain. It is stretching in a way your body recognizes instantly as what it needs to help heal itself.
Rossiter is a workout, not a treatment or a therapy. It is serious, deliberate stretching, based on concepts from Structural Integration and created by a Certified Advanced Rolfer. People often search for it online calling it the Rossiter Method, the Rossiter Way, the Rossiter Technique, Rossiter Massage and even as Rossiter Therapy or Rossiter Treatment.
The most important thing to know is that Rossiter is a unique form of two-person stretching that provides Fast, Effective and Natural Pain Relief.
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Rossiter is a workout, not a treatment or a therapy. It is serious, deliberate stretching, based on concepts from Structural Integration and created by a Certified Advanced Rolfer. People often search for it online calling it the Rossiter Method, the Rossiter Way, the Rossiter Technique, Rossiter Massage and even as Rossiter Therapy or Rossiter Treatment.
The most important thing to know is that Rossiter is a unique form of two-person stretching that provides Fast, Effective and Natural Pain Relief.
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Contact: [email protected] to learn more about the Rossiter Work System of Body Work