Dan Harden head of San Gen Kai International seminar in the SF Bay Area September 3rd - 4th 2022

Our good friend and teacher Dan Harden head of San Gen Kai International
will be teaching a seminar in the SF Bay Area over the Labor Day weekend
September 3rd - 4th, 2022.
This training will teach you internal power development and how it can
serve as an engine to supercharge your respective martial training.
Additionally, we will hold separate weapons (sword and naginata)
training on Friday, September 2nd and on Monday, September 5th.
These weapons training sessions are for people who have already trained
weapons with Dan.
However, if you have not previously trained weapons with Dan and are
interested in participating, you can reach out directly to Dan to
request permission to attend.
Due to our dojo rental cost doubling, we will have to raise the cost of
the seminar, as follows:
September 3rd - 4th Internal Power training: $250.
One-day attendance of the weekend Internal Power training cost will be
Weapons training will be $125/day.
Please send your payment directly to Dan's PayPal account at:
[email protected] with the subject heading of "California September
Seminar" and let me Bernard Langan <[email protected]>
and California Sangenkai <[email protected]>on any email
communications so I know that you have paid Dan.
Thanks and we are really looking forward to getting together with
everyone again.
Training will take place at the Alameda Aikikai
Saturday from 12:30 pm till 7:30 pm
Sunday 10 am to 6 pm
2429 Clement Ave
Alameda, CA, 94501
Bernard Langan & Ray Cheung
will be teaching a seminar in the SF Bay Area over the Labor Day weekend
September 3rd - 4th, 2022.
This training will teach you internal power development and how it can
serve as an engine to supercharge your respective martial training.
Additionally, we will hold separate weapons (sword and naginata)
training on Friday, September 2nd and on Monday, September 5th.
These weapons training sessions are for people who have already trained
weapons with Dan.
However, if you have not previously trained weapons with Dan and are
interested in participating, you can reach out directly to Dan to
request permission to attend.
Due to our dojo rental cost doubling, we will have to raise the cost of
the seminar, as follows:
September 3rd - 4th Internal Power training: $250.
One-day attendance of the weekend Internal Power training cost will be
Weapons training will be $125/day.
Please send your payment directly to Dan's PayPal account at:
[email protected] with the subject heading of "California September
Seminar" and let me Bernard Langan <[email protected]>
and California Sangenkai <[email protected]>on any email
communications so I know that you have paid Dan.
Thanks and we are really looking forward to getting together with
everyone again.
Training will take place at the Alameda Aikikai
Saturday from 12:30 pm till 7:30 pm
Sunday 10 am to 6 pm
2429 Clement Ave
Alameda, CA, 94501
Bernard Langan & Ray Cheung