Gurdev Nidar Singh - Shastar Vidiya - March 12th & 13th, 2016
Gurdev Nidar Singh will be back in the San Francisco Bay Area for a seminar on March 12-13, 2016. Please register ASAP to secure a place, as spaces are limited, and we've been selling out recently. You can register at
In this seminar, Gurdev Nidar Singh will build upon his previous San Francisco seminars, and further explain how to develop and utilize Shastar Vidiya's form of internal (i.e. non-muscular) energy. A focus of this seminar will be on how, through proper mass displacement, a martial artist can greatly improve the smoothness of their movement and greatly enhance the agility of their footwork. Gurdev Nidar Singh will also explain how such fluid footwork leads to highly effective combat applications, and how it can be beneficially applied to one's everyday movements and improve one's health.
In this seminar, Gurdev Nidar Singh will build upon his previous San Francisco seminars, and further explain how to develop and utilize Shastar Vidiya's form of internal (i.e. non-muscular) energy. A focus of this seminar will be on how, through proper mass displacement, a martial artist can greatly improve the smoothness of their movement and greatly enhance the agility of their footwork. Gurdev Nidar Singh will also explain how such fluid footwork leads to highly effective combat applications, and how it can be beneficially applied to one's everyday movements and improve one's health.